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6/1/2018 Puerto Natales

Lazy day. Woke up a bit late and went downstairs to try the breakfast provided by our hostal. Very simple one. Each seat has one plate with 3 toast bread slices and each table has two slices of salami (or ham) per two people. Not impressed,  but it’s enough to eat something. 

After the breakfast we went to the bay for a long walk and then to the tourist information centre where we asked for a map of Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine. Also we asked about bus tickets to Torres and we were told it’s better to get them a day before we want to go to Torres.

So we walked to the bust station on the other side of the town centre and bought two bus tickets to Torres del Paine. Company we chose: Buses Gomez, one return ticket 15000 pesos (bought two) and we could pay using a payment card. Departure from the bus station at 7:20 am and open return. 

After that we could just relax and buy last bits we wanted. But since we were hungry, we stopped for lunch in Mesita Grande pizzerĂ­a we noticed during our walk through Puerto Natales. Had one pizza and two really savour local drought beers. Paid 13970 pesos. Pizza was really tasty. But the toilets we really bad, so we quickly walked to another place called La Picada de Carlitos and had one coffee.

We also went to another supermarket today, to buy some alcohol for camping and got a bottle of Jagermeister (since both of us have different taste for alcohol, this one was less pain for each of us). The bottle costed 13601 pesos. And we found it in very nice supermarket Centro Frutero Superfrut on the same street where Unimarc is. 

I also have to say that the Unimarc in Puerto Natales is rubbish. Always really long queues, most of the things sold out, not a bit choice of things to buy. The smaller supermarkets usually have better options and less people inside. 

After shopping we went to our hostal, prepared food for tomorrow and changed clothes for dinner. We decided to have some asado meat in the same place we had coffee yesterday - Kawesquar. We ordered lamb meat plate with potatoes and beer for each of us. It was huge portion, difficult to eat and really greasy and the outer parts of the meat were too salty for me. But I have to say, that the inner parts of the meat were so tender, that I didn’t have to chew them :) I couldn’t finish. And we paid 38000 pesos :/ uff. Too much. 

That night I was waken up by some people loudly singing from outside, between 2-3am. Otherwise we had a good sleep :)


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