After few days trying to write something for my blog, while failing asleep during my photos are being backed up to cloud, I decided to do it more simple and quick way, like a little diary I then can come back to later. So I don't forget the main things I want to highlight and can get it out quickly. I'll call it a Little diary.
16/12/2017 leaving Czech Republic
After many weeks of trying to prepare for our travels and juggling little things and constant interactions with both families and going from one house to another (since we stopped renting a flat in Prague and were staying half in house of my parents and a half in house of Denisa's parents), we sat on a plane from Prague to Barcelona. Landed at 11pm at El Prat Airport, empty and cold and tried to sleep somewhere to catch our connecting flight to Buenos Aires at 8am. McDonald's was okay option to stay and sleep there, but it was quite cold as the restaurant is right next to doors to outside patio. So we ended up in uncomfortable seats in are with gates and eventually came back to McDonald's towards the morning. And the made our way to gate D something, upstairs.
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