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7/2/2018 Mendoza wine tasting 2 - Coquimbito

Day 53 Notes: Orange bike 120 ars. (Mr Hugo 200 ars) 10.80 pesos bus Domicilio 150 ars tasting pp  Museo 400 Beer garden 50 small beer x3 + 4 empanadas (4x20)
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5/2/2018 Bus From Santiago to Mendoza

Day 51.   Notes: 8:10am left flat 8:45am reaches Terminal Sur 9:30am bus left 10:00am we got a snack and hot water 11:00am stopped in traffic 60km away from the border on an exit from Ruta 57 13:00 sandwich ham and cheese and Coca Cola  14:30 drove another km and stopped 15:30 continue  15:40 market 16:00 continues  16:10 stop 17:20 continues, serpentines 18:00 3185 m and tunnel 18:20 in Argentina 18:35 waiting in queue of buses to get to immigration  21:30 out of but migrations 22:10 driving again 02:15am in room